NYLT is the prominent week-long (7 day) outdoor leadership experience geared toward both present and future leaders within the troops, crews, and teams around Three Fires Council. Participants will be engaged in hands-on training led by our Council’s finest youth staff that will cover criteria essential to leading within your unit, school, and life. Not only that, but their time at NYLT will reflect “one month in the life of your unit”, as characterized by Official National BSA NYLT Course. All this done within a risk-free, scout-friendly environment.
- Communicating Well
- Finding Your Vision
- Problem Solving
- Creating a Future
- Valuing People
- Leading Yourself
- Leading & Teaching EDGE
- Developing Your Team AND MANY, MANY, MORE!!!!!!!
Who can attend?
NYLT is open to qualified youth in all troops, teams, crews or ships. NYLT is for you if…
- You’re at least 13 years
- At least 1st Class Rank
- Live by the Scout Oath and Law
- Have attended Troop Leadership Training
If in a crew…
- You have knowledge of basic outdoor skills (cooking, fire-building, know tying/lashing, etc.)
- Live by the Scout Oath and Law
All should…
- Currently hold a leadership position in your home unit, or have strong leadership potential
- Agree to practice the skills learned from NYLT back at your home unit
- Have long-term camping experience
- Have your Unit Leader recommendation and parent agreement
Why Should I Attend?
- Scouting is a game with a purpose!
- The leadership skills obtained through this course will help you in Scouting, school, and as you go on through Life
- Making long-time friends from around Northern Illinois and beyond
- To use the knowledge taken from this course and enhance the lives of new scouts in your home troop
Why should Unit Leaders Send participants?
- An investment; Scouts you send are proven to help run a better program within home units
- Intensive leadership opportunities that are difficult to replicate on a unit level
- Satisfaction; the ability to know (and see!) your Youth Leaders run your unit!