Become a Scouting Family
Boy Scouting is a boy-led, boy-run program, but the boys must be trained to be leaders. Adult role models in Scouting provide an ideal learning experience for all youth. Every adult volunteer has something valuable to offer. On a typical weekend campout, Scouts might work with an adult volunteer who teaches the Fishing merit badge and with a Scout mom to learn orienteering, go on a 5-mile hike with another adult leader, and end the day learning how to clean and cook fresh fish from someone else.
Be The Foundation
Behind every trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thri!y, brave, clean and reverent Scout is a long line of committed volunteers who share those same traits. Volunteering has always been the very bedrock of the Scouting program.
Share Your Experience
Volunteering is the key that unlocks the confidence kids need to stand on their own two feet. But it also opens the door for adults to share inspiring experiences with their own child, make friendships that will last a lifetime, and put a bunch of good kids on the path to a great life.
Become a Leader
Ask any of our volunteers and they’ll tell you, volunteering with Scouting is as rewarding to them as it is meaningful to the kids. Watching kids grow is one thing — leading them through the process is a whole new experience all together.
Women BSA Leaders and Volunteers
Some people may not realize that women can be and are involved in boy scout activities, and adventures.
BSA Youth Protection Mission Statement
True youth protection can be achieved only through the focused commitment of everyone in Scouting. It is the mission of Youth Protection volunteers and professionals to work within the Boy Scouts of America to maintain a culture of Youth Protection awareness and safety at the national, regional, area, council, district, and unit levels.
The Boy Scouts of America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members. To maintain such an environment, the BSA developed numerous procedural and leadership selection policies and provides parents and leaders with resources for the Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturing programs.

Forms and Links
Volunteer Application
In a Boy Scout troop, or Venturing crew—or in any position in a district or council—your participation in the Boy Scouts of America can help youth become better citizens.
High-quality adults are important role models for youth in the Boy Scouts of America. This application helps the chartered organization select qualified adults. Thank you for completing this application in full.
Merit Badge Counselor Application
A merit badge counselor is both a teacher and a mentor to the Scout as he works on the merit badge. Merit badge counselors should be satisfied that each Scout under their guidance meets all the requirements set forth for the merit badge. In this sense, a merit badge counselor is an examiner. In a larger sense, the real opportunity for a counselor lies in coaching—helping Scouts over the different hurdles of the requirements and helping make them aware of the deeper aspects of the subject from their knowledge and experience.
The merit badge counselor may help a Scout by providing instruction and guidance on the subject matter. However, the counselor must not complete the Scout’s work on the requirements. The counselor needs to test the Scout to ensure that he has completed all the required work but may not modify the merit badge requirements in the process. This standard ensures that the advancement requirements are fair and uniform for all Scouts.
Youth Protection Training
Youth Protection training is designed to help you keep our youth safe from abuse. You will learn the Boy Scouts of America’s Youth Protection Guidelines, signs of abuse, and how to report suspected abuse. After each section of material, you will answer questions about that section’s topic. Completion is noted automatically in the BSA training records database if the module is experienced online.
More Training Opportunities
Participate in a variety of BSA training opportunities.
Life to Eagle Parent Guide
A parent’s guide to helping your son earn his Eagle Rank.