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Camp Napowan

June 29, 2019 - July 6, 2019


Date: June 30thto July 6th

Where: Camp Napowan N4789 24thAve. Wild Rose, WI 54984

Cost: Early Bird – $365. Must have payment turned in on or before May 6. If you don’t have your full payment turned into the troop by May 6 so we have time to get your payment into the Pathways Adventure Council office by May 15 if you want the Early Bird rate. Scouts will be responsible for getting payment to the office if you miss the May 6thdeadline. After May 15 the cost will be $390.

New Scouts and cross-over Scouts have will be charged $365 until June 8th.

Please Note: The rate has been increased from the previous permission slip to help cover the travel expense (gas and tolls) to Napowan.

What:  A great opportunity to get Merit Badges and meet other scouts from different troops.

Medical forms parts A, B and C must be up to date before June 30th.

Camp Napowan features:

  • 2 Lakes for aquatic sports (swimming, sailing, canoeing)
  • Flintlock Living History Village has a blacksmith forge, a leather shop, other great stuff.
  • Sherwood Forest area for scoutcraft skills and merit badges, as well as “Eagle Oasis”
  • Shooting Sports areas (riffle, shotgun, handguns, archery) and merit badges
  • Great 1st year camper program fulfills many 2ndand 1stClass requirements
  • Unique opportunity for older scouts to earn many of the Eagle required merit badges
  • Napowan meals are served in the dining pavilion
  • Our remote tent campsite is nestled among the 400 acres of beautiful pine forested area

New this year is the Camp Napowan Fishing Area!Here we will be offering the Fishingmerit badge as well as the Fly-Fishingmerit badge and the Fish and Wildlife Managementmerit badge. Scouts with a passion for fishing also have the opportunity to achieve the Complete Angler Award by completing all of the merit badges offered in this area!

Eagle Oasis is a first-year scout program, and it is one that focuses exclusively on guiding scouts to the rank of First Class. Napowan is pleased that we are retooling and renovating our Eagle Oasis program to better serve younger scouts, including moving all requirements to the afternoon so that scouts get the full Napowan experience!

Sign up NOW for our registration purposes. The troop pays the adult leader fees to attend. Visitors are $35/night and $5/meal.

There will be a mandatory informative parent and scout meeting for families explaining expectations and provide a list of supplies and equipment required for summer camp. First time scouts to Napowan have the opportunity to achieve the C.O.P.E challenge throughout the week.

We need T32 PARENTS to help chaperone this event. Please sign up for Sun-Wed or Wed-Sat camping, or the whole week! We also need help transporting the trailer to this event. If you have a vehicle that can tow please contact either Todd Smith (todds@in.citestudio.com) or Gary Rimm (gary.rimm@comcast.net). Come have fun!

2019 NAPOWAN Permission Slip



June 29, 2019
July 6, 2019
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